
HHS Week 7 Snapshot: 6.6 Million Have Enrolled

By Robert Sheen | January 08, 2015

Nearly 103,000 consumers selected Act the federal exchange during the seventh open, the Department and Human Services (HHS) announced Jan. 7. Total signups reached nearly 6.6 million since the began Nov. 15, 2014.

The most recent report covers the Dec. 27 to Jan. 2.

“As we turn to the New Year, our focus is helping every who is interested in quality, to understand their and to get covered,” HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell said.

During open , HHS is releasing weekly snapshots preliminary data drawn only from the federal exchange, or, and callers to the federal call center at 800-318-2596.

HHS also produces a more detailed report that includes data from the federal exchange as well as state-run exchanges.

Just over 245,000 applications were submitted online in the latest, bringing the total to 8.44 million that have submitted applications during the .

The site was visited by more than 1.9 million consumers during the , for a total 16.4 million since opened. This compares to 51,2 during the for the Spanish-language site, and a total 571,220 since opened.

About 681,000 consumers contacted the call center during the most recent . They waited an average one and a half minutes on hold. Callers seeking a Spanish-speaking representative waited about eight seconds.

Almost 491,000 visitors used the “window shopping” tool during the to explore available to them. About 8,000 window-shopped

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