
HHS Will Test Bundled Fee for Joint Replacements

By Robert Sheen | November 13, 2015

A unit the Department and Human Services (HHS) will test bundled and quality for hip and knee replacement, beginning April 1, 2016.

The test is aimed at encouraging hospitals, physicians and other to work together to improve quality and coordination from initial hospitalization through recovery.

By giving participating hospitals financial and quality for all services to patients receiving replacements, HHS believes will be motivated to take a number steps to improve quality and outcomes, such as better coordination and improved transitions between medical settings.

The test was designed by the Centers for & Services’ Innovation Center, which was established under the Act. The Innovation Center was created by Congress to test innovative and delivery models to reduce costs and improve quality.

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Centers for & Services’ Innovation Center, Congress, Department and Human Services, Department and Human Services (HHS), Healthcare, Regulations


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