
Regulator Calls Rate Hikes 'Unjustified'

By Robert Sheen | April 28, 2015

California Commissioner Dave Jones said Anthem Blue Cross premium_increases_ahead failed to justify premium increases averaging 8.7% on policies grandfathered under Act rules.

According to the agency, the increases will nearly 170,000 California consumers some $33.6 million for grandfathered policies. These are or plan policies which were purchased before

March 23, 2010 and remain exempt from several requirements under the Act.

Jones said Anthem’s rate increase is “unjustified and unreasonable” based on its claims experience, expenses and the projections it used. His agency does not have authority to order the company to change its rates.

Over the last 24 months Anthem has raised rates on members in these grandfathered policies an average 26.5%, Jones said.

Anthem Blue Cross told the state it expected medical costs for those covered by the grandfathered to rise by 9.5% this year, mostly because higher prices for .

"More -, mass-market specialty are expected to be released in the next year, further increasing medical costs and contributing to higher premiums," said Darrel Ng, a spokesperson for the company.

California law gives the commissioner authority to approve or deny rates for auto, home and some other types , but rates are not subject to such regulation.

Posted in Regulations


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