
New Payment Model For Healthcare Providers

By Robert Sheen | March 10, 2015

Physicians, hospitals and other medical can participate in a new system that lets them – and their patients – keep a larger portion any savings they achieve.

The , called the Next Generation Accountable Organization (ACO) Model and delivery, was announced by the Department and Human Services (HHS). It was developed by the

Made possible by the Act, ACOs are intended to reduce costs and improve healthcare delivery.

The Next Generation ACO Model “is our larger effort to set clear, measurable goals and a timeline to move the – and the system at – toward paying based the quality, rather than the quantity they give patients," said HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell.

Under the new model, will take greater performance risk while potentially sharing in a greater portion savings.

will be able to reward patients for receiving their from physicians and professionals participating in their ACOs. They will have more freedom to use tele- technology and post-discharge home services to support at home, and will be able to prescribe skilled nursing without prior hospitalization.

Organizations interested in participating in the new model must submit a Letter Intent by May 1, 2015, followed by an application by June 1, 2015. Details are available .

Posted in Regulations


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