
Montana Expands Medicaid With Bipartisan Support

By Robert Sheen | May 04, 2015


Montana’s Democratic Gov.Steve Bullock signed into law a expansion bill that had been drafted by a Republican member the state legislature.

Under the new law, Montana will accept federal funds to expand to people with incomes at or below 138 percent the federal poverty level, or about $16,200 year for an and $33,460 for a family four.

The plan will require those who enroll to pay premiums equal to 2% their income, as well as some copays. Standard do not include these costs.

Gov. Bullock estimated that only about 45,000 the 75,000 eligible Montanans will enroll in the because the requirement for premiums and copays.

The expansion was approved by both Democratic and Republican members the legislature, although most the GOP side voted against it.

The state will receive an estimated $400 million to cover the the expansion over the next two years.

Montana must obtain a waiver from the Obama? Administration to impose these costs. A spokesman for the administration expressed “concern” about the costs for participants, but indicated it will support the measure. Several other states have been granted similar waivers for their expansion .

Posted in Medicaid, Regulations


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