
4.5 Million Millennials Have Gained Health Coverage

By Robert Sheen | February 02, 2015

About 4.5 million more young adults are covered by now than in 2009 because the Act, according to a White House report.

In 2009 nearly a third those aged 19 to 25 had no , twice the rate for Americans overall. As mid-2014, the latest for which statistics are available, the rate had fallen by more than 40%, or about 4.5 million.

Most the gains resulted from allowing young adults to remain a parent’s plan through age 26, and the expansion through the Marketplaces and .

“There is evidence young adults’ expanded access to is increasing their access to , improving their and financial security, and potentially generating long-term benefits for our economy,” according to the report.

“Even with this progress, almost one in five young adults remains ,” the report noted. Many these young adults are eligible for financial assistance to buy through the Marketplaces or are eligible for .

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