
Let’s Talk About Clinton And Healthcare

By Robert Sheen | September 21, 2016

November is creeping up on us, and as Americans are faced with the decision of whom to vote for: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, their opinions of Clinton are certainly more favorable when it comes to health care. A study released by the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that voters’ opinions on the stability of health care lean in Clinton’s favor.

While the study also highlighted voters’ comfort levels in entering Zika infested states, as well as making the outbreak a priority (36% feel more funding is in order to handle Zika, while 40% stress its importance, though not the highest priority), the hottest topics included health care affordability.

66% feel the future of Medicare should be a top priority for candidates to discuss, with 52% agreeing that the future of the ACA is also an urgent discussion point. 40% wish to make women’s access to reproductive health services a priority, as 71% of women trust Clinton more in that arena. 53% are more confident in Clinton’s dealing with the future of Medicaid compared to 38% for Trump.

Clinton also has a much higher lead than Trump when it comes to Zika outbreak maintenance (54% are with Clinton, 34% with Trump), as well as 52% trust Clinton more with access to affordable health care, with 39% in Trump’s favor.

Considering Trump has states that it is his mission to repeal the Affordable Care Act but keep “the good parts” without specifying which parts, should he end up in office, it would appear unlikely that affordability is near the top of his agenda. Per voters, neither is affordable prescription costs, as the survey also reflects that 51% feel Clinton is more trusting with cutting drug costs, yet Trump is at 39%.

While Clinton is valued as the more trustworthy candidate on health care issues per the KFF poll, the real test will be when both candidates debate these hot topics in the months to come.

To view the poll results in their entirety,

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Affordable Care Act, Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump, Health Care Coverage, Hillary Clinton, Kaiser Family Foundation, Medicaid, Polls/Surveys, Study, Zika


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