
Latinos Benefiting From ACA

By Robert Sheen | April 01, 2015

Act has substantially increased the percentage Latinos who have healthcare , although more than half Latinos surveyed said they had heard little or nothing about the law.

The The study, conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Policy at the University New Mexico, found that only 17% Latinos now lack , compared to 28% those surveyed in 2013.

About 87% U.S.-born Latinos said they have , compared to only 78% foreign-born Latinos.

Despite aggressive outreach to the Hispanic community by the Obama administration, 25% those surveyed said they had heard “nothing at all” about , and another 28% said they had heard “not that much” about the law.

While the majority respondents who had not bought through the federal or state exchanges said they already were , 12% said they did not enroll because the , and preferred to pay the fine.

The survey was conducted by phone between January 29 and March 12, and reached 1,005 Latino adults. The findings have a margin error plus or minus 3.1%.

Posted in Regulations


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