
IRS Publishes Final Forms for ACA Reporting

By Robert Sheen | February 19, 2015

By Joanna Kim, Executive Editor

The Internal Revenue has published final versions the and instructions that and insurers must use to meet their Act requirements for years beginning in 2015. The first are due in 2016 for 2015 .

The will use the information by these filers when it reviews the individuals who report whether they have met their obligation to have or pay a penalty.

Larger companies, known as () under the , with 50 or more - employees or -- employees, are required to or pay a penalty.

(Transitional is available for ALEs with - and - employees for 2015 such ALEs satisfy certain requirements.)

ALEs must file , which includes a description the healthcare the company provides, a list - employees, the offered to each of these employees, and the months for which the applied. is used to transmit Form to the . for both are available online.

companies, and that self-insure their employees through , must file annual with the with information about each for whom is . That information may be filed on , with used to transmit it. for the are available online.

Posted in Regulations


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