Workforce Insights

How To Use Vision Boards To Motivate Your Team

By Kathy Iandoli | May 11, 2017


Chances are, you have probably seen a vision board even without realizing it. In the most analog sense, a vision board is a collage of pictures and words, adhered to a surface, typically poster board. It’s a practice often used by creative industries to map out certain “visions” for projects they’d like to realize. Hence, the name. However, many people utilize the practice of making vision boards to set all different types of goals for themselves, but also to get inspired in general. There is a simple list of supplies to make a standard vision board: 

  • Poster board
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Stack of magazines

And then what happens? Well, you scan the magazines for clippings that pop out and inspire you. You cut them out and glue them to the poster board. Once the board is filled, you have a vision board. It’s really that simple. And while the “school art project” nature of it seems like an unorthodox activity for your office, there are benefits to it. Here are some:

It’s a meditation.
The ritual of finding words and pictures that inspire your employees makes this a calming activity in the midst of your business company. Taking this moment for your team to make their vision boards allows them to de-stress.

It builds team spirit.
Have some food catered, advise your team to bring in old magazines, and scatter them across a conference room table with the necessary supplies. Make it a social event. Your team can chat and create. Make your own vision board as well to show you’re a part of the team even while being their boss.

It promotes individuality.
No two vision boards will be the same, just like no two employees are the same. Each member of your team has their own specific goals in mind that surpass their work environment. Perhaps a member of your finance team wants to lose weight. Or a member of HR is planning a wedding. The point is, whether working within the creative industries or not, vision boards can help anyone on your team achieve any goal. Yes, you should gracefully urge your team to add work goals to the board, along with words and phrases that will keep them inspired throughout the day. Have them hang the boards in their workspaces.

It boosts productivity.
Here’s a truth we tend to ignore: we work harder when there’s a goal within reach. If your employee looks up and sees a mosaic of goals that they’ve created with their own hands, they will automatically want to be more productive to achieve that. That could even be working diligently at their jobs to finish and head to the gym for a fitness goal. No matter the end result in mind, the means will be boosted thanks to this inspiring visual.

It gives you a window into their minds.
You can tell a lot about a person from what they choose to pull from words and pictures. If their vision board is full of another company’s logo, they may have a goal in mind to leave and work there. However, this isn’t to observe your team for any potential threats of resignation, rather it’s to have another way to see where their minds are within your company when they’re not vocalizing it. This will not only help you be a better boss, but will make your employees feel better about where they are and where they want to be.

Posted in Workforce Insights


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