Business Intelligence

How To Market Your Small Business On A Budget

By Gregg Kasubuchi | May 23, 2017


While starting a small business can be tough, marketing that small business can be even tougher. Most small businesses lack the big budgets used by major corporations for marketing, advertising, and promotions. That doesn’t mean, though, that there aren’t ways to achieve maximum exposure at a fraction of the cost. In today’s ever-changing business landscape, there are a number of ways to get the word out about your business without denting your budget. Here are some cost-effective ways to market your small business.

Take it to social media.
There are several platforms via social media that can optimize your small business’ marketing in ways you never fathomed. While platforms like Twitter and Instagram are great for utilizing hashtags and trending topics, Facebook and Reddit can both be promotional goldmines. On Facebook you can utilize elements of geo-targeting and ads for wider exposure, while Reddit is for more niche marketing within its specialized community. It’s a strategy that if used correctly can hit all angles of marketing.

Partner up.
There’s no shame in pairing with companies who perhaps have a greater access to exposure. If it’s within your means to hitch a ride on another company’s promotional vehicle, do it. This can be through collaborative products, campaigns, and other forms of cross-collaboration. The key is to reach every audience while forging one of your own.

Don’t subtract the ads.
Gone are the days of simply blasting ads all over the internet, but that doesn’t mark the demise of advertising. Find new ways to drop your ads. This can be through places like Stumble Upon or even creating branded content that links back to your company online. For traditional ads, make use of credits, should your advertising budget be low. There is no right way to advertise, as long as you do it.

Make your presence felt.
The aforementioned branded content is one way, but another is through creating services that people didn’t know they needed. From op-eds from your company’s executives, to infographics and instructional videos, you can utilize your company as a platform by providing content that doubles as informative and promotional.

Hire someone for the job.
Whether it’s a sophisticated social media expert and data miner or a person who has mastered the art of online word of mouth, it’s important to find a point person for the job. Many small businesses assume that marketing is a responsibility shared by all. While that may be true, the only way to truly cultivate your audience is to make it a priority. Having one person lead the charge is the most effective way.

Posted in Business Intelligence


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