
HHS: $400Billion Savings in 2016 Budget

By Robert Sheen | February 02, 2015

To help cover Act costs, the 2016 proposal submitted by
the Department and Human Services for fiscal year 2016 would reduce spending by about $400 billion through lower payments to , insurers and drug companies.

The overall 2016 federal submitted by President Obama includes some increases for recipients. They include some new co-payments for home services and a surcharge for new beneficiaries who buy private with generous benefits to supplement .

The administration also wants the power to negotiate prices with drug companies for “specialty” that require co-payments from patients.

TheHHS request includes about $1.09 trillion for fiscal 2016, up from $1.04 trillion in fiscal 2015.

The Administration’s proposed 2016 extends funding for the Children's (CHIP) through 2019. That funding expires Sept. . Unless Congress acts, over 8 million children would lose .

and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said the administration's 2016 proposal will "provide Americans with the building blocks healthy, productive lives" and to reduce the rate increase in costs.

Potential savings would come from proposals to fight drug abuse, establish new healthcare clinics, increase the healthcare workforce and reduce waste, fraud and abuse in , she said.

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