
Fact-Check: Where Do Clinton And Trump Stand On The ACA?

By Robert Sheen | November 07, 2016


The subject of healthcare has proven to be a touchy one this election cycle, as both Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have wavered when it comes to firm stances on healthcare, particularly the Affordable Care Act. It’s more than just a question of who plans to keep it and who plans to ditch it. There are details seemingly missing. So before you vote, here is a reminder from the Kaiser Family Foundation on what we do know from both candidates when it comes to healthcare.

A “Side-By-Side” report from the KFF showed that Trump’s plan to repeal the ACA will come with other details that may help those in need. Tax-deductible premiums are one of the offerings, along with tax-free HSAs, and varied options for health plans based on income. While Trump’s details on healthcare have remained vague, the one constant that’s remained (even within days of the election) are the HSAs or Health Savings Accounts. However, the move suggests individuals will simply pay for healthcare with their own saved money; they just won’t be taxed for it.

While Clinton’s healthcare plans are seemingly more detailed and organized, there is still a cause for concern with the multitude of initiatives that may result in projected premium spikes. The up side is that there will be more assistance available to those who can’t keep up her modified Obamacare plans.

The conclusion? Clinton will keep the Affordable Care Act with modifications. Trump will repeal it in its entirety, rebuilding pieces of the healthcare business model making it more of just that: a business.

To view the KFF’s Side-By-Side analysis, click here.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump, Health Care Coverage, Health Savings Accounts, Hillary Clinton, Kaiser Family Foundation, Obamacare, Regulations


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