
Enrollment On ACA Healthcare Exchanges Hits The One Million Mark In Two Weeks

By Robert Sheen | November 30, 2016


As we’re nearing the end of 2016, big changes appear to be on the horizon. Our President-Elect Donald Trump has been selected as the 45th President and while his plans for the fate of healthcare remain unclear, there are some glimmers of hope. While previously Trump voiced his general discontent for the Affordable Care Act and claimed he plans to repeal it, he has since gone on record as saying he will keep some vital elements, alluding to the idea that it may not be repealed in its entirety after all.

The American people, however, are actively showing their support for the ACA. The day following the election, 100,000 people enrolled in healthcare through the ACA’s Health Insurance Marketplace. This was a record-breaking day of enrollment, as the ACA hasn’t seen that large of a number in enrollment within a one-day period and it stands as the biggest enrollment day of 2016.

The numbers keep growing. In the two weeks following the election, one million people have enrolled in the Marketplace. While it looks as though enrollment won’t stop, the fate of the ACA could rest in the hands of Donald Trump. Hopefully the President-Elect is listening, as the people are clearly speaking through action.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump, Health Care Coverage, Health Insurance Marketplace, Regulations


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