
Come 2017, Blue Cross Will Be Everywhere In North Carolina

By Robert Sheen | October 18, 2016

In April, UnitedHealth announced its plans to exit from multiple Marketplaces, including in North Carolina. The health care giant has complained of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) causing them huge financial losses where withdrawals were inevitable. However, not every major health care provider shares that sentiment.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield announced that come 2017, the provider would be available in all 100 counties throughout the state under the ACA’s Health Insurance Marketplace. To date, the insurer is already the largest in the state, and this major move will make it widespread.

Since 2014, Blue Cross has made its ACA health care plans available throughout NC and this announcement promises at least one more year of coverage for NC residents under the ACA. Blue Cross’s 2017 open enrollment begins November 1 and ends January 31. To guarantee healthcare by January 1, 2017, enrollment is advised for December 15. Blue Cross will reveal plans pricing and details in October.

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Health Care Coverage, Health Insurance Marketplace, North Carolina, Regulations, UnitedHealth


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