
If Donald Trump Wins, 24 Million Americans Lose

By Robert Sheen | July 22, 2016
If.jpg(photo by Michael Vadon, July 15, 2016)

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has been all but quiet about his intentions for the Affordable Care Act should he take the seat as POTUS come November. On Trump’s immediate agenda is the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act.

While Trump has offered an inconclusive solution to the ACA, just how affected would Americans be should the ACA no longer exist. A report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation shows that by 2021, 24 million more Americans would have no access to health insurance.

The largest population involves those who would apply for Medicaid, as an estimated 14.5 million Americans would lack access to the program. The remainder of that 24 million comes from the estimated 8.8 million who would seek insurance from a private non-group provider.

Since its inception, the ACA has assisted in providing health care for about 20 million Americans. The report suggests that could all change. Other figures show that by 2021, a $90.9 billion drop in funds would happen for the “non-elderly,” skyrocketing to $927 billion total from 2017 to 2026.

While Hillary Clinton has expressed making some changes to the Affordable Care Act, she has been vocal in taking a firm stance that it will prevail. We’ll all just have to stay tuned until November.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump, Health Care Coverage, Medicaid, POTUS, Regulations, Reports


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