
16.4 Million More Insured Because of ACA

By Robert Sheen | March 18, 2015

The Act has resulted in a 16.4 million increase in the number Americans having , according to the White House.

The administration released the figure in advance the fifth anniversary the signing the Patient Protection and Act March 23, 2010.

The majority those gaining – 14.1 million adults – enrolled after the end 2013.

About 2.3 million people enrolled before that, mostly young adults under the age 26 who gained because the law allowed them to remain a parent’s plan.

According to the administration, levels have increased for all racial and ethnic groups, but the largest gains were among minority groups.

Since January 1, 2014, the rate among Hispanics dropped by over 12 percentage points, while it declined more than 9 percentage points among African-Americans and more than 5 percentage points among whites.

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